Strategic Objective #1: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment & Planning

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Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment & Planning
Support learning through instructional experiences that are purposeful, engaging and equitable for all students
  Strategies & Action Steps for the School Year 2021-2026
1.1 Strengthen instructional practices that promote purposeful student engagement in learning and provide support for all learners
1.2 Expand integrated hands-on, real-world learning opportunities for all learners and their diverse post-secondary pursuits including college, careers, and the military
1.3 Establish and maintain systems to provide students and educators with actionable feedback to maximize student achievement
1.4 Provide differentiated professional learning experiences to all staff



  • Strengthen instructional practices that promote purposeful student engagement in learning and provides support for all learners
  • Adoption of evidence-based, high quality instructional materials in the areas of Math PK-12; English/Language Arts PK-12; Social Studies 5-8; and Science PK-12
  • Adoption of evidence-based Early Literacy Resources: Heggerty and Fundations
  • Contracted with Early Bird as a diagnostic tool for reading readiness and Amplify Data Systems to monitor individual student progress in grades K-4
  • Contracted with Ellevation; EL program management and instructional software tool that supports our multilingual students and educators
  • Purchased the i-Ready Learning Diagnostic and Instructional Resource (K-HS)
  • Purchased Open Architects; provides multiple dashboards to monitor student performance academically, behaviorally, social/emotionally and attendance

  • Expand integrated, hands-on, real world learning opportunities for all learners and their diverse post-secondary pursuits including college, careers, and the military
  • Reimagined/redesigned Taunton High Library to establish an Early College Learning Community Space
  • Redefined the role of the  Internship Coordinator responsible for Career Technical Worksite Placements within Bristol County
  • Created a High School Director of Guidance position
  • Dual Enrollment articulation agreements established or expanded with Bristol County Community College, UMass Dartmouth, and UMass Boston

  • Establish and maintain systems to provide students and educators with actionable feedback to maximize student achievement  
  • Establishment of a District and building-based Instructional Leadership Teams 
  • Established the position of Testing and Research Coordinator (data analyst)
  • Nine (9) Instructional Coaches who hold regular grade-level meetings where they facilitate planning, analyze data, or provide professional development
  • Collaborate with Math and Literacy Consultants to develop and support job-embedded professional learning opportunities for our educators
  • Administrators and Coaches participated in Investigating History, Illustrative Math, and OpenSciEd professional development with an emphasis on student discourse
  • Implemented i-Ready in grades 1-8 providing teachers with user-friendly and actionable math and reading growth and achievement data. Teachers are using the data to hold one-on-one conferences with students that are focused on individualized academic goal setting
  • Formative and summative assessment data within each discipline is collected regularly in various platforms for live data analysis and replanning

  • Provide differentiated professional learning experiences to all staff.
    • Coach-specific professional development provided to all instructional coaches from The New Teacher Project, Looney Consulting, and Harvard University
    • Education First and Wonders Representatives provided professional development to all educators in grades K-5
    • EduCurious provided professional development related to Investigating History throughout the year to social studies teachers
    • Boston College has provided direct coaching and professional learning to science teachers in grade 6-12
    • Experts in mathematics practices have participated in learning walks and provided support in interventions and special education in mathematics classrooms
    • Course reimbursement provided to educators in fulfillment of licensure requirements and/or for professional growth 
    • Educators are encouraged to attend trainings/workshops which will enhance their professional growth. Fees/costs are either reimbursed or paid directly by the District