Strategic Objective #4: Family Engagement & Community Partnerships

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Family Engagement & Community Partnerships
Expand family engagement and community involvement
  Strategies & Action Steps for the School Year 2021-2026
4.1 Continue to build upon current levels of trust, capacity, and engagement with families, educators, and community members in order to empower and support students' choices in their learning and future goals
4.2 Implement a two-way communication system accessible to all
4.3 Provide a variety of culturally relevant opportunities and supports for caregivers to actively participate in all aspects of their child's learning
4.4 Ensure community partners are actively participating in the school setting
  Engage families to increase opportunities for family enrichment programs that support student learning, such as English language classes and parent information workshops




  • Continue to build upon current levels of trust, capacity, and engagement with families, educators, and community members in order to empower and support students’ choice in their learning and future goals
    • Community Facilitators: Increased from 4 to 10
    • Utilized community housing rooms/spaces throughout the city to host school-related outreach efforts
    • Strengthening Parent Teacher Organizations and School Council to include a wide variety of student and community voices
    • Increased communication with families of students with disabilities via Parent Square
    • Streamlined the process for students with disabilities to receive special education using DocuSign to sign Individual Educational Programs (IEPs)
    • Family presentations, meetings, etc regarding special education in collaboration with Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
    • Family presentations, meetings, etc with English Learners Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC)

  • Implement a two-way communication system accessible to all
    • Established the position of  Communications Coordinator
    • Purchased Parent Square to further strengthen home/school communication and engagement. 
    • Contracted with Baystate Interpreters in order to strengthen our outreach to our increasingly diverse non-English speaking families
    • Utilize social media platforms and website to communicate school events and district communication

  • Provide a variety of culturally relevant opportunities and supports for caregivers to actively participate in all aspects of their child’s learning 
  •  Bilingual community facilitators support families in navigating their student’s daily school experience as well as connect families to community resources


  • Ensure community partners are actively participating in the school setting
    • Bridgewater State University Student Success Coaches embedded within our schools
    • Bridgewater State University: Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC)
    • Bristol County District Attorney’s Anti-Bullying Presentations at each middle and elementary school site
    • Northeastern University’s Center for the Study of Sport in Society: Supporting of our Athletic Department (Addressing Hate in School Sports)
    • Bristol Community College: Dual Enrollment
    • Coaching 4 Change mentors supporting students within four of our schools
    • Manet Community Health Center situated on our THS/Parker Campus
    • Junior Achievement Program at Elizabeth Pole Elementary
    • Collaboration and mutual support between TPS Nursing Department and the City’s Board of Health