District Departments » Multilingual Learners Program » Multilingual Learners Program

Multilingual Learners Program

TPS Multilingual Learner (MLL) Program Goal:

Our goal is for all multilingual students to be post secondary prepared by graduating high school on time, demonstrating high levels of content knowledge and proficiency in all language domains (reading, writing, listening and speaking). By taking ownership of their cultural and linguistic identity, students become self-advocates who are successful and proud of who they are.


TPS MLL Program General Description:

TPS provides a content-based English language development program for multilingual learners that values students’ linguistic and cultural assets while learning the English language through rigorous grade level content. We offer two different K-12 instructional models: 1) Collaborative Instructional Models and 2) Newcomer Academy Instructional Model.


Collaborative Instructional Model: The TPS Collaborative Instructional Model targets English language development through rigorous grade level content with a focus on social justice domains and metalinguistic awareness.  The Collaborative Instructional Model is taught by both the content specialist and the language specialist through various co-teaching models.


Newcomer Academy Instructional Model: The TPS Newcomer Academy Instructional Model targets English language development through rigorous grade level content-connected themes based on social justice standards with a focus on student-centered project-based learning and metalinguistic awareness. The Newcomer Academy Instructional Model is taught by the language specialist.

Dalila L. Mendoza
Multilingual Learner Program
Taunton Public Schools
60 Williams Street
Tel: 508.821.1230
Fax: 508.821.1361